Vessel Utilization Report

Once a grouping has been approved and used in Group Based catch certificates, the Vessel Utilization Report becomes available. This report will show how many times a grouping has been used in a Group Based catch certificate and generates a list of all of the certificates, including their document numbers. Also the report will show, for each vessel contained in the grouping, how many times the vessel has been used in a Group Based catch certificate. This report is generated in PDF format. An Applicant user can view this report and decide, for example, to remove a vessel from their grouping if it has not contributed to catch in a long time.


Accessing the Vessel Utilization Report when renewing a grouping.




Accessing the Vessel Utilization Report when updating a grouping.






  1. The first section of the report outlines the Group Details with the information about the grouping.


  1. The second section shows all the certificates that the grouping was used in and the status of the certificates along with the date that they were approved.


  1. The third section lists each vessel in the grouping and how many certificates each vessel was used in.