Management Area and Catch Dates

Select the Management Area using the drop down menu and enter the Catch Start and End Dates.


Below is a screen shot of the Management Area and Catch Dates fields.






Note: If the catch was made during a period exceeding six weeks (or 42 days), you must split the catch date range into shorter periods. (It is suggested that you split catch dates by month). The six week maximum must not be exceeded because it shows a lack of traceability.


To add additional dates, click ‘Add Catch Area’.



Example: A shipment of lobster was caught during multiple fishing trips from September 2019 to December 2019 in NAFO area 4X. However, since you are not permitted to put this entire date range into the system, it is recommended that you add separate catch date ranges for each month. A screen shot of this example is shown below.



Catches in the Atlantic region must specify a catch area as defined by the North Atlantic Fisheries Organization (NAFO) e.g. 4T.


See the map below, or click on the following link for more information



Catches in the Pacific region must specify a catch area as defined by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Map of Major Fishing Areas.  The Pacific region is FAO67.  See the map below or click on the following link for more information: