HS Code and Product Weight

Click on the ‘Lookup button’. A Lookup Table will appear allowing you to search for the product you are exporting.




1.     Harmonized System (HS) Code – These codes are used to classify commodities, in this case, fisheries products. If you do not know the HS Code of your product, conduct the search using the description.


2.     Description – Enter the description of the product you are shipping (e.g. if you are shipping lobster, type Lobster into this field and press Search).


Multiple products are likely to be displayed when conducting a product search. Choose the product description and code for the form of the product that you are shipping (e.g. live lobster).


If you are having trouble determining the proper code for your product, please consult the Canadian Export Classification online catalogue available at: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/catalogue/65-209-X or contact the Catch Certification Program: Operations Centre for guidance.


Note: If you need assistance using the Lookup Table, see Lookup Tables.


Enter your product weight. For more information on product weight, see Weight Guidance.